“Red and Blue Earth Hearts” by Lyn Dalebout
For my overview this week, I share these two excerpts from poems, including one of my own, that speak to the energies of the coming week.
“THERE IS NO SPOT ON EARTH” an excerpt by Hafiz
“There is no spot on earth that ever became
sacred until something danced upon it…
There is no place in existence that ever
became sacred until something sang there…”
“BLUE PLANET” an excerpt by Lyn Dalebout
“I have a blue heart.
It is the size of of the
Blue Whale, or this Blue Planet
to which it listens…
The blue heart informs the red heart,
which is the heart of action.
Can you feel them in your chest
these hearts of listening
hearts of acting
on Blue’s behalf?”
Utilizing my awareness of our blue and red hearts, this coming week will be about your blue heart of listening, as Venus and the royal star of Regulus play prominent roles in lighting up our heavens. Spend time getting clear within about what guides you, what excites you, what holds your heart. Then the following week from August 25-August 31, with the fierce tense Mars/Saturn conjunction, your red heart of passion will demand you take some form of stance or action.
Mon Aug 18
Expansive creativity and lovingkindness continue to wash over Earth today as the Jupiter/Venus conjunction is still strong, bathing our Earth in compassion, forgiveness, enhanced creativity and love. Perhaps this aspect will pressure you to find forgiveness and acceptance in your heart for someone you perceive has wronged you at some point in your past. And Mercury in Leo ~ a mind open to creative brainstorming and joy ~ opposes Neptune in Aquarius ~ the collective dream of a loving humanity. Leaps of love and peace are possible today in our larger planetary Field. Use this aspect personally as a day of enhanced inspiration. Book daydreaming into your day timer.
Tue Aug 19
A waning lunar sextile of the curious youthful Gemini Moon to the equally playful Sun in Leo is sure to spark joyful communication with everyone. Chat it up wherever you go. Make new friends…it’s easy and possible today. Another exciting sextile occurs between Mercury ~ ruler of minds/ideas/technology ~ to Vesta ~ focus and commitment ~ bodes well for accomplishing much in regards to all aspects of your communication, focused attention, clearing the decks of procrastination, lingering decisions and details you have been reluctant to complete. Dive in today.
Wed Aug 20
Another great day of cooperative communications awaits all of us. The most harmonious of aspects, called a Grand Trine, aligns in Air signs, which governs all forms of relating and communicating as humans. A monthly Moon/Juno conjunction in Gemini assures much gabbing, teasing and playfulness amongst your key peeps, but this can also bring forth a discussion about shadow aspects of a relationship. Thankfully this conjunction is trine Neptune and Ceres/Vesta, which will encourage a desire to nurture and uplift your relationships, while also exploring the deeper, unconscious issues that also bring and bond us together.
Thu Aug 21
Heartfelt communications continue today. Perhaps you will dig deeper as Mercury trines probing Pluto. We also have a cascading series of aspects with the Moon which makes it an emotional day on steroids. In the early morning hours Moon opposes Pluto which may have manifested as staying up through the night, unable to quell your obsessive thoughts. Hope you have some kind of meditative tool to shift you when that happens. Maybe now you will sign up for that meditation class! A helpful trine of Moon to Mars stimulates the desire to connect so maybe you stayed up all night on social media reconnecting with old and new friends. It’s all good. Just part of dynamic dynamics of today.
Fri Aug 22
This day is all about beauty and emerging possibilities. It’s the annual conjunction of our life-giving abundant Sun to the regal star of Regulus, called the Heart of the Lion. This star is indicative of following the leadership of the heart, wherever it might lead you. This is also a day to stand strong in a stance integrity ~ a state of being whole and undivided. So many tugs and pulls of society, or relationships, of unhealthy habits, can tug and pull you off track, your track, where you need and desire to be going. Be sure to take some time today to ponder those energetic demands and decide which can stay and which absolutely need to leave your life permanently. Another celestial joy today: the utterly breathtaking triune conjunction of Moon*Jupiter*Venus takes place tonight and tomorrow morning. Since they are all meeting up in sidereal Cancer ~ family, parenting ~ take your kids (and your inner child) out tonight, with a picnic and treats as Cancer loves a good meal, to witness the beautiful spectacle. And this is also big news: Mars will quincunx Uranus and sextile Chiron late tonight and into midday tomorrow. With Mars in Libra ~ a desire for peacemaking in war zones ~ and Uranus in Pisces ~ a willingness to feel the universal suffering and compassion for all ~ and Chiron in Aquarius ~ healing deep ancient wounds of humanity, hopefully we will take one more advancing step in the direction of creating global, familial, and individual peace.
Sat Aug 23
Re-read yesterday as I addressed today’s influences, which are still integrating into your field of energy and your life circumstance. When celestial alignments occur, they really can shift your conscious awareness and also clear out old subconscious tapes. Such is the power and gift of understanding and working with astrological influences. The intention of my blog is that you can begin to work even more consciously with these energies, which can make your life more harmonious, in the flow, in the now, increasing joy, health, abundance, connectivity.
Sun Aug 24
Today I will write about tomorrow. A very potent New Moon in joyful, creative, playful, childlike Leo takes hold of Planet Earth tomorrow. This is welcome news. Concurrently we have a once-every-two-years conjunction Mars and Saturn, both of which are serious determined, passionate, aggressive, defensive. This aspect will have major repercussions in our collective field, which may have already emerged and will come to a head tomorrow.
But for now, rest up on the last day of the old sol-lunar ( as in Sun/Moon). Experience the joy of restful intimacy with Self or another, including your pets. You don’t always have to be on the move. Be willing to nestle into one another, like Deer nuzzling or Ravens talking closely.
About the art this week: Thank you Earth for delivering these spectacular red and blue rock hearts to me, from my sacred places, at key moments in my life.