“Snow Lions” the Tibetan National Emblem
During the ferocity of these times, I was reminded that the Snow Lion is the spiritual Animal Guide for my website EarthWord SkyWord and for this blog. This is from Wikipedia: “The Snow Lion represents unconditional cheerfulness, a mind free of doubt, clear and precise. It has a beauty and dignity resulting from a body and mind that are synchronized. The Snow Lion has a youthful, vibrant energy of goodness and a natural sense of delight.” As I remember this, I take heart and keep going forward, working towards the worthy goals of unconditional cheerfulness, a mind free of doubt, clear and precise, a body and mind that are synchronized, with a vibrant sense of goodness and a natural sense of delight. May these qualities infuse the entirety of our humanity as we all navigate the big shift.
Mon May 19
Thankfully, most thankfully, Mars is turning direct today around dinner time. The frustrating, exacerbating, injury-inducing, patience-cultvating, conflict-resolving, backward looking, introspective Mars retrograde cycle began on March 1 and finds completion today. The actual lessons of this cycle encompass a longer time frame which began in January this year and will complete in mid July. I am finishing a longer EarthSky Oracle post entitled ‘I AM : I WILL’ that will speak to what I feel this momentous event has brought out in ourselves, in our world. Such suffering, such new beginnings. How to hold it all as we literally birth a new world. Also today, the results oriented, organized Capricorn Moon should have you plowing through tasks, maybe not with lightness in your heart, but you may feel satisfaction at the end of your day when you look back on your accomplishments today. Plow through.
Tue May 20
The Moon ~ your emotional reality ~ continues in ambitious dedicated Capricorn and makes a series of aspects, one challenging, all the others more easy-going. Let’s start with the Moon’s square to Saturn, often associated with having to have at least one serious conversation, confront the need to set boundaries or make a key decision. Thankfully the Moon is in a super supportive grand trine kite formation in the element of Earth (great for money/business/gardening/building/health) that involves these other planetary energies: Mercury in Taurus ~ realistic practical communications ~ Ceres in Virgo ~ nurturing healthy choices/service to others ~ and Venus in Pisces ~ compassion and understanding for all. And as the Sun makes an annual alignment to the star of Alcyone ~ central star of the Pleiades linked to establishing a higher Field of Love on Earth ~ this day is a portal of the miraculous come down to Earth. Stay positive in envisioning the life you want now.
Wed May 21
With today’s last quarter squaring off of Sun in Taurus ~ longing for security/long-standing or stagnant relationships ~ to Moon/Neptune conjunct in Aquarius ~ longing for freedom/new friends ~ you may feel that tug of war. Should I keep a long-standing traditional date or explore a new circle of friends with similar interests? Allow for the expansion and expansiveness you might be longing for. And as Pallas Athene in Leo is also involved in this square, use the power of your creative visualization to literally see yourself doing the activities you love, and being the fulfilled person you can become. This theme will carry into tomorrow.
Thu May 22
Today’s exact square of the torch of our Sun to Pallas Athene ~ goddess of strategy and creative imagination ~ can ignite a firestorm of brainstorming within your self. Reach out to like-mind friends and colleagues as the visionary friendly Aquarius Moon triggers the magnanimous grand trine of Jupiter ~ optimism ~ Chiron ~ healing/magic ~ and Saturn ~ bringing it all down to Earth. Also, from the sidereal perspective (true galactic alignment) Mercury is leaving earthy Taurus for airy Gemini. You are ready for this! The past month may have seen many financial ruminations consuming your head space. Pick up a mind expanding text or gobble up the novel you’ve wanted to ingest. Time to explore and embrace your new thought forms, ideas, having ditched many of the old ones in recent weeks.
Fri May 23
As sensual Sun in Taurus makes a last lunar sextile to relaxing, forgiving Moon in Pisces, spend time in a favorite earthy or water environment today, simply being with and savoring the luxury and necessity of beauty. Today may mark a global turning point surrounding news and issues linked to the environment, women, children, animals, farming, caring for the needs of all, as Jupiter in Gemini ~ reconciling a split in one’s consciousness/negotiating ~ makes a square to Ceres in Virgo ~ nurturing and nutrition based in health/earth friendly sustainability.
Sat May 24
Wonderful sky news today. Jupiter and Saturn make a fairly rare exact trine completing an aspect that began last year. Both these planets are linked to major culture shifts, and also help us define how we want to blend our skills and talents with the greater Good. Jupiter is direct while Saturn is still in retrograde (till July 20) so have confidence the changes you dream of are happening but cultivate patience in the process of their unfoldment. Another astrological track is in play today as well. The Moon begins another round of activations to the ongoing transformational Grand Square. You may wake up or be woken up around midnight with some agitation or restlessness as the Moon first opposes active Mars, then probing Pluto at dawn. By midday, the Moon aligns with Uranus in Pisces. Think deluge of emotion or water related accidents/upheavels. You can feel like you lived through a day of shock after aftershock but there’s still one more to go! The emotional Moon squares off with intellectual Jupiter in Gemini which can amplify more emotional waves or offer perspective and clarification.
Sun May 25
When both Moon and Venus make a stellar conjunction, what you need and what you want can become the same thing, no more divide inside. This alignment is taking place in sidereal Aries ~ independent/courageous~ and passing over the South Node of endings/completions today and tomorrow. You may need courage to walk through a door that is finally closing anyway, no looking back.